Drop-off appointments now available! Leave your pet with us in the morning and pick them up later. Call to book today!

Please fill out the applicable forms for your pet before your next visit.

You can fill out the online form/s, or download, print and complete the PDF forms as they apply to your pet's visit. Just bring them into the office when you come.

Patient Forms
New Client/Patient Form Online Form
Playcare Agreement Online Form
Rabies Vaccine Inquiry Form Online Form

"I advised my brother to take his dog to Cedarcrest because I was dissatisfied with my current vet. He liked their services. So, I took my kid-with-fur in for a skin issue...and am in love with the team! The warmth, knowledge, and bedside manner of unmatched. The treatment is working, and me and my kid-with-fur couldn't be happier!"

Kim W.

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